Lest you think yesterday’s post was just an
excuse to engage in a little literary bathroom humor, we are adding some
additional color on the matter today (naturally!)
As our long-time
readers already know, we don’t need an excuse to delve into sophomoric topics-
we do that all the time. But many of you may not have realized that yesterday’s
passage from Don Quixote touches on an important Spanish cultural tradition.
Yes, we’re serious. See this article, for example.
Now, Sancho wasn’t
crapping in a crèche like your typical Caganer, but there’s no denying the
Spanish affinity for dropping a deuce into all sorts of situations- both
profound and profane. This is a nation that celebrates the birth of Christ with
a sewer snake and a people whose greatest insult is “I (obscenity) in the milk
of the whore that bore you.” So, why shouldn’t their rope cutting aficion
spread through its greatest literature?
Well, it should. And it
does. We should embrace it.