I know, I know, I know...
I know what you're thinking. Why would anyone need to look any further than the Shelf Actualization Shopping Page for their Holiday gift-giving needs? I get it, I really do. We have some awesome T-shirts:
But what if you're the second or third person to buy someone a Shelf Actualization T-shirt this year? (This happens all the time.) Do you really want to be that guy? You see where I'm going with this.
So, we've pulled together a few other ideas for booklovers everywhere. Read on.
If you're bound and dertermined to give a T-shirt to a loved one, might we suggest you take a look at Out of Print Clothing? They have an awesome array of vintage book-cover Ts for men, women and children.
And speaking of books, why not give some of them away? I'm not talking about the overhyped stuff on the front tables of your local bookstore. I'm talking interesting books they won't get anywhere else. You can take advantage of Dalkey Archive Press's amazing Holiday Sale. They are offering any 10 books for $65, and any 20 books for $120- shipping included. Tucker's reading one right now.
Or you could give the gift of early adoption. Why not get that special someone the hot new eReader?
Or, you may want to go for something truly unique. You could pick up a "literary scent" from the good folks at I Hate Perfume (H/T to BookRiot). Choose from In The Library, a scent that "is a warm blend of English Novel, Russian & Morrocan leather bindings, worn cloth and a hint of wood polish," or A Room With A View, which "captures the scent of the hills above Florence- the vineyards, the wild grass, the finocchio, the hot dusty Florentine earth. And of course a torrent of Violets...
And if you don't find what you need there, there's no end to unique gifts for booklovers on Etsy. Here's a smattering from my ten minutes of dedicated research:
The Catcher in the Rye Recycled Book Bracelet:
The To Kill A Mockingbird Book Purse:
The book bag that simultaneously pays homage to War and Peace and Sir Mix-a-lot:
You've got your Vintage Book clocks:

Your Vintage book rings of all sorts:
Seriously, a hollow book safe. How cool would it be if Santa brought you one of those? If only my wife followed this blog...
What will you be getting your bookish friends and relatives?